Mr L's Projects

Hamming Codes

When data such as text, music or pictures are sent to a device, there is a chance an error will occur somewhere. For example: 1011 might become 1001.

In the 1940's, Richard Hamming became so tired of getting these errors in his work, he developed some clever ways of fixing errors automatically. We will use a simplified version of his codes in this game.

Error correction game

How to Play

Click on the image above to play. You will use an imaginary social media message platform called Squawk. You will import messages in binary (0's and 1's) and do the error correction yourself so they make sense! Mr L will show you how to do this in class.

Teacher Squawks

Choose some of these Squawks from teachers at your school to import. Can you guess from their initials who and message who they are? Note: Messages get harder as you go down the page.

Mr L:


Mr T:


Mr R:


Mr B:


Mr OS:


Mrs S: